Archive | June 2023

Hummingbird Moth Rare Sighting

Hummingbird Moth (Black and Grey Type) Drinking Nectar from Buddleia Bush, Snellville, Georgia, June 15, 2023

As I was outside this afternoon doing some yardwork, I spotted a Hummingbird Moth. It was a rare sighting. I usually don’t see more than one or two per season here in Snellville, Georgia. I was very happy to see my fast-fluttering friend flitting about and drinking the nectar of one of my buddleia butterfly bushes that have the deep purple flower blossoms.

Hummingbird Moth (Black and Grey Type) on Butterfly Bush, Snellville, Georgia, June 15, 2023

Once I saw the moth, I got a few pictures and stood and watched it until it flew away. This one was more of a black and grey than those I typically see. Usually, they are more red and black, so it was interesting that this one was not more red. But, it was still very nice to see and watch today!

Hummingbird Moth (Red and Yellow Type), Snellville, Georgia, June 16, 2023

…I am adding on to this post from yesterday because, this morning, I saw the usual type of Hummingbird Moth that I typically see and wanted to share pictures of it here. I was outside at 7:00 AM this morning, taking the dog out, and happened to see a fluttery friend at my butterfly bush with the white blossoms.

Hummingbird Moth (Red and Yellow Type) on Buddleia Butterfly Bush, Snellville, Georgia, June 16, 2023

This Hummingbird Moth was red and yellow, and is the kind I usually see. So now, there are pictures of two types of Hummingbird Moths in this post – the one that is black and grey, and the other that is red and yellow (with a little black, too). How lucky I am to have seen them!

Pretty Painted Lady

Painted Lady Butterfly, Snellville, Georgia, June 13, 2023

As I was mowing the weeds and grass in my yard today, I was visited by a pretty Painted Lady butterfly! I must say that this is the second one that I’ve seen already this season. It was so nice to see and uplifted my good mood even further, even though it’s rare that I’m not in a good mood. Hopefully, this pretty butterfly will find the three butterfly bushes that I just planted today, or any of the other four already out there!