Archive | August 2020

August Swallowtails



Tiger Swallowtail in a light rain. Snellville, Georgia. August 12, 2020

On August 12, 15, and 18, I took the opportunity to take some really great photographs of many Tiger Swallowtails that visit the butterfly bushes in my yard.


Tiger Swallowtail in rain sprinkles. Snellville, Georgia. August 12, 2020.

For awhile, I was wondering where they were because it was getting a bit late in the season to observe them flying about like the mini-kites that they are.


Tiger Swallowtail on Butterfly Bush. Snellville, Georgia. August 15, 2020.

Then, about a week after I was thinking that, they began to appear!


Black Tiger Swallowtail on Butterfly Bush. Snellville, Georgia. August 15, 2020.

First, there were only two or three.


Black Tiger Swallowtail and Tiger Swallowtail on Butterfly Bush. Snellville, Georgia. August 15, 2020.

But, more recently, there have been four yellow Tiger Swallowtails, one Black Tiger Swallowtail, and one Spicebush Swallowtail that have been drinking the nectar from the butterfly bushes.


Tiger Swallowtail on Butterfly Bush. Snellville, Georgia. August 18, 2020.

They are always so, so wonderful to see! 🙂

Gorgeous August Luna!


Male Luna Moth, Snellville, Georgia, August 7, 2020

This evening, I was grilling steaks outside when it started to rain. As I was standing on the porch, watching the rain, I saw a beautiful Luna Moth fly from an oak tree in my yard to some azaleas near one of my bird houses, about 50 feet away from the tree.


Male Luna Moth Resting on Azalea, Snellville, Georgia, August 7, 2020

I made a mental note to remember approximately where I saw the Luna Moth land so I could go and observe it after I finished grilling the steaks. So, once I finished, I told my son about the Luna, and we went to find it, along with my camera. The pictures I took of it were from about 10 feet away (zoomed in), so I didn’t disturb it. It was a gorgeous male – see if you can see its feathery antennae.